Brynolf Algotsson
about Helena






written during the autumn of 1288 by bishop Brynolf Algotsson (1245-1317)
in Westgothia, Sweden. No complete edition exists.
This translation is based on CODEX LAURENTII ODONIS
from ca.1400, and on BREVIARIUM SCARENSE printed in 1498.

No other earthly sources exist as to information on the life of St. Helena. 

The brynolfian text is meant to be used at the yearly Feast of Saint Helena.
The Church must exult over the day of this feast. Helena prays for us who honours it, that God may forgive us all of our sins. "Joy! you faithful parish of devotees. You Westgothians  -  spring anew! You Wheel of the World  -  praise the martyrdom of Helena!" "Get involved in the far-famed March of Victory on this happy Day, because our reverend Martyr has raised up to the Throne of Honour!"


GOD is namned: the Highest Authority, Creator of Everthing, the Highest Artist, the Founder of Helena, the Judge, our Foreman, Lord, the King of Honour, the Divine Power.


GOD'S REALM is designated by complete joy, by calmness and sereneness, by peace  -  the Peace that overwhelms any conscience; the celestial Government.


OTHER NAMES of God's realm: Pleasure, Heaven, the Grand Assembly room of the Holy Ones; the heavenly Fatherland, the World of Light.


FROM WHERE did Helena stem in a worldly sense, and where did she operate?: Westgothia, Västergötland, in Sweden. She belonged to a noble family.


WHERE IS HELENA NOW: On the Throne in Heaven; her dwelling is before the eyes of the King of Honour.


HOW TO ADDRESS HELENA: "Oh Helena full of Mercy"; "Oh beatific Empress"; "Oh Lawyer of Swedes"; after having fulfilled the hour of suffering successfully, she has become worthy of receiving a Throne in God's House  -  that is through having become the "pleasant MARTYR of God". "Hail, you decoration of our Fatherland". She is a NEW CLARITY; God's Maid; the Flower of Westgothia; the Lamp of our Fatherland; the Ornament  and the Patroness of Westgothia. 


HOW TO HONOUR HELENA: Through preserving the holiness of our early years, and through not giving away our Forces to strangers!; with devotions and through singing lauds on her behalf; to perform music to her: "Resonate lovely melodies out of reverence on the day of Helena's yearly Feast".


EXTERIOR description of Helena: She is compared to a beautiful rose. She surpasses everybody as to beauty; she expresses herself with taste; one can clearly see that God has blessed her eternally. She is compared to Susanna, Sara (the wife of Tobia), Lea, Rachel and Esther, so there is no doubt that she was brown-eyed and darkhaired! When Brynolf writes that Helena was as beautiful as Rachel, he cannot have thought of Rachel as a blue-eyed blonde. "The excellent face of Helena is not very unlike that of Esther". She is also compared to Judith, and to Deborah and Hulda, the prophetesses; to Sara (daughter of Raguel), Anna (daughter of Phanuel), Rebecca, Martha, Maria, Jael, the Tecoa-woman and Abygail.


Brynolf mentions four times how FRAGRANT Helena was; she was a nice-scented lavender; she owned innately nice-smelling Balm of Power.


WHAT HELENA CAN DO: She can direct us on the Road of Righteousness, that we mustn't go astray. She can lead us up to the World of Light from the Valley of Sorrow, enabling us to live with her in eternal freshness. She is the daughter of gentleness and peace and she is the prentice of sinlessness. Helena is able to cause that the punishment which awaits us is neglected; she guides us to God's Realm. Her prayers can enable us to be led to God's Realm inspite of our being creatures of earth. She can rinse away sins by means of her praying, and take us to the longed-for metes of Heaven. She can pray to God that we may experience Mercy.  She is an utterly pleasant star which shines without cessation. She owns and owned the gift of Prophecy, that is: God gave her information of what she had to go through. She prayed for her enemies and accusants, and she was benevolent towards those who turned against her  -  but she did not embrace the enemies of God (like a Quisling)! The intelligence of Abygail revived within Helena, and she carried inside a SPIRITUAL YEARNING; she had a celestial need to become able to get refreshed by the Height of God. Restlessly she gathered treasures for the Treasury in Heaven. Her power and her mediation are proportionate (mediation between God and mankind)  -  shown eg. by her mundifying a leper).


The PURPORT of Helena's work: She was given from Heaven for the spiritual elevation of Westgothia; for to be a mild Lawyer for Sweden, a Mediatress. The purport was moreover that God, in accordance to her prayers on high for us who honour her yearly Feast, may forgive our sins and mercifully and generously may gloze them over. Moreover that our spirits may be encouraged to praise God.


Thanks to Brynolf's choicing the quotation from Syrach 26, the right slant on CHASTITY is revealed, since nothing can be compared to the individual who proves to be chaste (v.15). Helena confined her heart, speech and manners to Chastity.


MIRACLES: Sweden and Norden experienced her clear tokens; they appeared before the eyes of people, whenas the favour of Helena's Star was waxing in Westgothia. Yes, all over the world people experienced distinct miracles thanks to her. When she prayed to God, miracles were the result, since God alone is the source of miracles. After her bodily death the miracles were multiplied thanks to her merits. A)Already on the 1:st of August, the very day of her martyrdom, a lad, guiding a blind man past the site of the martyrdom after sunset, saw a shine almost like an ardent candle in a bramble  -  the flashing was emitted from the cut off finger of Helena, and on the finger was the ring she had brought with her from the Holy Land. (Or: Marvellously a light flashed forth from Heaven into the bramble, revealing where on earth the finger lay). Whenas the blind man touched this finger, and lifted his hand, stained by her blood, towards his eyes, immediately the prior obscureness was removed and the light retured! B)Whenas her body was conveyed, the carriers stopped by the road for to thank God at he appropriate hour, a new fountain bubbled forth at once, which still is known as Saint Helena's Source (Brynolf doesn't tell whether he means the source outside Skodhwe or that near Gothene church). C)After the holy body of Helena had been rinsed over the big boulder on the Cemetery (Brynolf doesn't say it out clearly if this was the cemetery of Skodhwe, but it is to be taken for granted), the stone broke into two peaces in such a way, that the part over which blood had dripped from her wounds raised up without effort, while the part over which no blood had dripped indeed remained on the ground. This is evaluated as a measure of God to the honour of Helena, so that no longer her blood could be stepped on by human feet. The Divine Power thereby proved, too, how great the Faith of Helena had been during her lifetime: "If you had belief like a mustard seed and told this mountain to go away, it would go away". D)The stone remained STANDING RAISED UP (Estos!) in that a way for many a year, and more miracles took place there, as long as the site was kept in due reverence.  


How is Helena's BIRTH designated?: Like a brilliant sun-up. The rest of the mankind are brought forth from mud, but we are given a possibility, thanks to the prayers of St. Helena for us, to be guided to the joy in Heaven. She was given by the divine and clear Mercy; she was delivered from above.


WHEN was Helena BORN in Westgothia?: Whenas the winter of disbelief had gone; whenas christian Faith had become known within the borderlines of our Fatherland (id est ~1100).


Helena GROWING UP: She was educated in the Law of the Lord and in Justice. God's Order and Eternal Bases on an unchanging Rock did exist in the heart of this holy Woman.


Was Helena the ONLY CHRISTIAN FLOWER who appeared here? No, there were more, but Helena was the most eminent, and the rumour was spread of her good deeds and of her divine Fire of Love. During the wee years of Faith, she raised like a glistening and early star on the front line, with beaming exemplarity and tokens. Christian martyrs were few and far between before the martyrdom of Helena in Sweden.


How is the EARTHLY LIFE designated?: As a jail!; as the 'war', as the valley of sorrow. "Husks are shook and thereby the seeds are gathered". Helena endured until her spirit was replanted in Heaven: -That's how seeds are gathered! Fasts, prayers and work withal she tamed and accustomed her body.


How is DEATH designated?: In terms of "casting the weight of the body off!"; to climb up to Heaven. Her death is regarded as honorífic. In advance she was informed of that she was going to die at Gothene. She was absolutely sure that a Wreath of Victory was prepared for her in Heaven. Exactly in God's appointed second, he snatched his Prize-woman out of the carnal prison by means of impatient swords. Nothing can block the way to the spirit who is steering towards the celestial Government. In the Rosary of Heaven the red rose was laid down, which our honorable martyr had deserved through martyrdom.  


HOW WAS HELENA LIVING: All her life she gained superb awards for her family. The chains of matrimony was superseded by her wholly hallowing herself to God. Her exemplarity brought forth holy tokens. She was loved by everybody, and she had a noble mind. She served the Lord with fasting and spiritual speech; the entrance of the mansion of hers was open to wanderers, and she kept the poor warm with wool from her sheep. Her led a HOLY life; she was humble in deed and words, aflame with Agapë. She feeded and clothed the poor daily. Nightly she would occupy herself with spiritual contemplation, and she would devote daytime dutifully to outer work.


SOBRIETY: Explicitely Brynolf has written that Helena was sober as Hanna, the mother of Samuel, with reference to 1-Sam.1:12-17.


Her relationship to the CHURCH: She was constantly and uncompromisedly enthusiastic for God's House, and she financed the building of churches; she loved to adorn God's House. Zealously she served the servants of the Fane of God.


Her MATRIMONY: Having reached marriageable age, she agreed to accept a man, according to the customs of the country. She believed that she obeyed God in doing so. God combined in her to be fertile but yet to be decent and beautiful, so that her physiognomy mirrored her mind. After having become a widow, her age and assets called for another matrimony. Matrimony is regarded as "contagion blotting the body"; as carnal chains that one wants to break. She simply and powerfully rejected the carnal love of matrimony.


WHERE did Helena LIVE; where was her mansion?: Her country estates was GOTHENE! (Forget Skövde and Vâmb, in other words) Sanely she received this visionary description of the future there: It seemed to her, concerning the church of Gothene, that it, at the same time as she appeared in it, flew to Skodhwe yonder. God gave her the interpretation: That she was going to die at Gothene but was yet going to be buried at Skodhwe.


SPIRITUAL WEDDING: Helena preferred to be chained to God, because such a wedding will lead to eternal joy althought the start may be hard, when on the other hand carnal matrimony starts with pleasure but reaches towards the end with grief. She began serving the Lord in her troublesome widowhood.


Did Helena ENTER A CONVENT?: No, she "replaced her matrimony almost as if she were in a convent; she intended to lead the pious life of pious widows".


Helena's GRAVE: She had been informed in advance that she was going to be buried at Skodhwe. In person she financed a large portion of the erection of the church of Skodhwe, which was under weigh. When the arcade or portico was built, which is between the tower (turret) and the church, some people asked what the Intérstice there was meant for. She answered: GOD IS PRONE TO GIVE US (YOU) SOMETHING SACRED, THE BODY AND REMAINS OF WHICH IN A SUITABLE WAY CAN BE LAID TOGETHER HERE  -  Dabit vobis/nobis Deus aliquem sanctum, cujus corpus et reliquie poterunt hic decenter collocari/hic poterunt decenter collocari. That her reverend and sacred body later actually did rest in peace here, was regarded as a proof of that she owned the clear Spirit of Prophecy.


SATAN: He hated that oratories of saints were constructed, while houses of idolatry and temples of demigods were dismantled and boskets of offerings were chopped down. He became jealous of Helena, who promoted all this and the worship of God. He decided to douse the shining Lamp of God's House  -  Helena  -  and as a tool he chose her son-in-law.


The SON-IN-LAW: The daughter of Helena got married to an aristocrat, who soon began hating the daughter, often tormenting her both verbally and violently. The servants of their estates were appalled by this unjust disaster, and the waited for their master, the son-in-law of Helena, and the jabbed him to death in an ambush. 


The REVENGERS: The relatives of the son-in-law let go of the servants, because they accused Helena for having let the ambush happen; for being its engineer by having talked in a bloodthirsty way, and thereby the ambush blackened her conscience. The relatives of her son-in-law became thus her relentless enemies, and they began 'threshing' her.


The THEOLOGY behind the suffering of Helena: Even if we judge something or someone as fulfilled, there might still be details, in the eyes of the Highest Artist, which are not perfect. God made Helena perfect by dint of hammering persecution and pressure  -  because thereafter there followed a daily waxing of her loving her Founder, and she aspired the joy and peace of the celestial Fatherland.


The PILGRIMAGE: God wanted to create a space for his wrath (or: he wanted to allow the circumstances their wrath)  -  in order to let her get away from her enemies  -  and he sent a vision into Helena's mind that it would be good for her to visit holy places abroad. She did not shrink back from the coming toils of the road, but she combined feminine Proposal and masculine Courage and went to the Holy Sepulchre of our Lord and to the site of his Sufferings and to many other places where Holy Relics were revered  -  entrusting God to judge her case justly. She knew that patience brings a perfect achievement along with it.  


Her RETURN: She returned dauntlessly to the mansion, relying on the Lord. Her enemies, though, were still hunting Helena's righteous spirit, and they prepared for the ambush. ON THE FIRST OF AUGUST, whenas she was heading for the inauguration of Gothene Church, a certain one among her enemies cast himself over her, wounding her cruelly in the attack, sating the sword with innocent, righteous blood. Her spirit, freed because of the jabbing, flew directed to the Height, but her body lay fallen like a guiltless sheep  -  and now she went over from the war to the Peace, which overwhelms any conscience. Eagerly she transcended to God's Consoling (id est in 1140 the oldest ref.s). 


MORE Miracles: A mute, a deaf, a leper and a cripple were healed after having implored Helena by her Grave at Skodhwe. A certain stoner, working with beatific Helena's church, weaponless and guiltless, had to dodge to the swords of enemies attacking him. They couldn't wound him since he implored our Martyr for help, except for slicing his clothes some. There were a few traces of the jabberings, looking like scarlet threads on the skin, as if the swords had been blunt. When the enemies realized that they could achieve nothing, they turned away in different directions from the stoner. They cut down another man thereafter, who approached them. Then, on turning anew towards the stoner with their swords, they were stricken by blindness in such a way, that even if they had been in the same house as the stoner, they could not have seen him, whereby the ancient miracle, which Elisha once asked God for, was renewed thanks to divine promotion. The main part of the Memorial of Helena, of her life and work, had already in the days of Brynolf's got lost due to oblivion, neglect and absence of written documents. Brynolf's texts on her are meant to promote the hallowing process of the Holy Ones and the construction and consolidation of the Faithful.


CANONIZATION: It was arcbishop Stephanus who informed pope Alexander III, during his exile at Sens in France, of the life of Saint Helena, wherefore the pope considered it reasonable to enroll her in the Catalogue of Saints (id est in 1164, verifiably).




A part of her SERMON included by Brynolf:


"Listen everybody:

Despise the present,

since it is ugly to be fond of

what steadily is under weigh to perish.


Love to the earthly things must not imprison you,

haughtiness must not bent you inwards,

wealth must not blemish you,

jealousy must not consume you.


Out of love for us, dear brethren,

our Redeamer lay dead for us,

and through his love for us we conquer ourselves.

If we act perfectly, we shall

not only evade coming punishments,

but we shall be rewarded with honour

 in common with the martyrs.


Irregardless if there is no persecuting at the moment,

this peace still might be our martyrdom,

and although the carnal neck is not pressed down,

we still can slaughter our carnal wishes mentally

by means of a spiritual sword".




"Listen, our Empress full of mercy,

to the prayers of your people.

Delight among the happy ones of the Assemblage!

Please be our Commander in Chief

amidst the crucial moments of the present life,

which our complaint usually reveals with pain.

Please be our Commander in Chief

amidst the crucial moments of the present life.


Let it happen to us as it did to you,

you who was elevated,

so that your people may become pleasant to God

and able to deserve honour  - 



001210 SDG

Illustrated version:   Superhelena1    Superhelena 2   Superhelena 3    Superhelena 4
Appendix to part 4: Helena Dialoque
Contents English version
Non-illustrated version:    Superhelena 1    Superhelena 2   Superhelena 3   Epitome
Brynolf Algotsson about Helena, 1288

Innhåll Superhelena svensk version    Superhelena 1   Superhelena 2  Superhelena 3  
Brynolf Algotsson om Helena, 1288  Sankt Appollonia
Översättning af Joseph Dunney:
Saint Of The Snows Albany, New York 1937 Snöfallens Helgon:
Dokument 1   Dokument 2   Dokument 3  Efterord